Holt Nautos Stock
A recent addition to the range of ball-bearing blocks is from Holt Nautos. Extremely good value and a definite must-see if you require good quality at a sensible price. The Organics range feature a central bearing that is CNC’d hard anodized aluminium on which the ball raced sheave runs. The aluminium dissipates the heat build up and makes for an excellent bearing. The H2O blocks are again ball-bearing blocks that were never pushed hard in the UK market but were very successful in France, Canada and the USA. Lastly there's the Miniox range - an awesomely powerful little block. It offers the high load capability of a plain bearing yet is free running, its large central hole means you don’t need a becket; ideal for the last block in cascade kickers, control lines etc. Please go and take a look.
Clothing from Gill
On the Miscellaneous page you'll now find various articles of Gill sailing clothing. Take a browse around but please someone, purchase the size 10 Coast Sport Jacket pretty sharpish, because my sister Gill - yes her real name - has made a closer than usual inspection and covets this particularly well-made and comfortable item. Her birthday's coming up and I'm under pressure to oblige her...!
Recently DinghyBits took a stand at its first Boat Jumble. This was in Havant, near Southampton. Loads of interest, a good number of sales, and a chance to get our name about. Apart from the dinghy bits and pieces most excitement came from what we labelled as 'Bling' on the stand! This was the big boat stuff; well it was to be expected really. I've recently spent a day down on the Hamble so wasn't surprised when the cruiser guys (and gals) coveted the decent jewellery!
All-in-all a good day was had all round and we'll keep you posted as to when we're doing the next one.